of HOPE, the lead character in the story i'm working on at the moment, "the secret of the hidden temple". she came out a bit tougher than usual, which i LOVE! this is what she will look like during the action sequences, whereas the slightly younger, softer hope will be the model for everything else - i'm pretty happy with this development!! i'll try a quick study of shawanna next, her nemesis...
on the writing front things are going slow - i do have the treatment for the story 99% done, but those pesky 'regular life' circumstances have conspired against me at the moment, so i don't have much quiet (AND awake) downtime plus the energy left to sit down and write - hope this'll change again soon, and i'll actually be able to write even just a couple of pages of actual script to get started on with thumbnails and layouts...
i'll keep you posted